Monday, June 2

30 is the new 20!! This is my gorgous sister in law Andrea who just turned 30. I wanted to share with all of you what a great woman she is. She is pretty much the perfect example of being the best mother. It seems like I am always calling her to ask for tips on babies, toddlers, what to feed Jackson, diet tips, running tips,... she knows it all!!! She is currently moving to Wisconsin so I dont know when I will see her next, but Andrea, I love you so much and am so glad that Tony's oldest sister is YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Abs--you are CUTE! What a nice post--thank you.

Kind of crazy about when we'll see each other next--YIKES.

Drew got an interview with St. Luke's--hopefully it will go well and we can make some FUTURE plans!!