Friday, June 22


Every smile tells a different story. These five pictures are of family members having happy moments! First, little DAVIS taking his first photos as a baby! Second, ALI celebrating high school graduation. Third, GUIDER the day he was adopted from Ecuador and is now my cousin!
Fourth, REGGE back on the sunny beach after a two year mission. Fifth, MCKAY showing off his new smile the day he got his braces off! Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, or a compliment, all of which have the potential to turn a life around! Because of our smiles we make life more beautiful!


Debbi said...

What a nice post to read, that is so true. There are so many days I just try to smile at people in the stores I am in because people always look so grumpy! Thanks for the reminder. (and I use picasa to make the pictures)

{Erica} said...

You are considered a student for the photo session :) Email me and i'll give you the pricing :) I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Anne-Marie said...

i agree! Thanks for the thought!