Friday, June 20

MUSIC to my ears

I was away for Fathers Day in Utah this year. So I hid a pair of Brad Paisley tickets in a cowboy hat under the bed (tony never looks under there) hoping that he wouldnt notice till Sunday came. He didnt!! On Fathers Day I told him there was a little surprise for him under the bed. Tony was totally shocked and VERY happy!! Since living in Cali we havent been on a date without Jackson (in 8 weeks) and some time alone was LONG OVERDUE. I think my husband is one of the greatest country music fans. We have been to Rascal Flatts, Emerson Drive, Tim McGraw etc. and he has been to plenty more without me.
Well last night was our concert and I was excited all day for 7:30 to come. Unlce Reg babysatt Jackson. Brad Paisley was GREAT and should seriously win etertainer of the year. I loved every song and was happy that I recognized almost everyone. Julilann Hough (from dancing with the stars) Chuck Wicks and Jewel opened for him. There was a big variety of music. Brads band was great, and from the pics youll notice they played guitar hero which was hilarious. I had a great time with my hubby!

1 comment:

Brandon and Katie said...

How fun! Sounds like a blast. My email address is Thanks so much for taking pics for me.