Wednesday, July 2

Yesterday started off great. We went to the gym early, I ran my 3 miles, Tony swam laps, and Jackson stayed entertained by the televisions and staring at the treadmills. After Tony took Jackson to the outside pool for some swimming and splashing. Keep in mind it was early and the pool was still shaded. They swam for just a few minutes before Jackson had the chills.
By noon Jackson had lost his appetite, had a runny nose, and had begun coughing. The beginning of a long day.... and night. Tony and I arent the most educated when it comes to your child getting sick. Jackson has had a fever only one other time so when this happens we go crazy and are nervous. By 8pm that night his temperature was 102. He was a very sad and cranky boy. He wanted to be held the whole day and I couldnt wait for Tony to get home that night to help out.
We started Jackson on baby tylenol which put him right to bed....but he woke us up 5 more times last night. Luckily he coughed a lot of mucus out and his temp is down to 100. I hope by the end of the day we can get a smile out of him. I know today he is tired.... last night we went from crib, our bed, bathtub, couch, and back into bed to see if we could make him calm down. His temp peaked to 102 again during the night and I felt so bad cause I knew he was so uncomfortable.
So next time we'll be more cautious of the temperature of the swimming pool (we're guessing thats what caused the cold, fever, runny nose, etc. )... I just figured with Fresno temperatures of over 100 everyday we would be all right.


Dawn and Spence said...

Oh my gosh poor little guy! And poor you guys too! There's nothing worse than being sick, and especially when you have a fever and everything that comes with it. I hope he feels better today! :-)

dev said...

you may already know this... but, I was told when Kendyl was a baby to rotate childrens motrin and tylenol... I guess it helps the body fight the bug a bit faster... and it has always worked for me... Sick kids are hard~ mostly because you hate to see them suffer... poor little guy.. Av has the same thing right now too. No one else is sick, just lucky Avery. It's so sad to see them like that... best of luck!! -dev

Andrea said...

I am sorry about Jackson--it is so rough with sick kids!

Here are my thoughts--
My guess is he picked up the bug somewhere else. I think cold temperatures causing sickness is an old wives tale. Check this out:

And as far as the motrin/tylenol I think that because they are different drugs you can give them more frequently (i.e. each one every four hours, but they can be on different schedules) and possibly ease his discomfort.

If it is not a bacterial infection antibiotics don't help and that means it is viral and you just have to let it run its course.

Be sure to keep him hydrated--you still want to see frequent diapers. Try everything that would be liquid at room temperature (popsicles, ice cream, etc).

Sorry so long--love you--A

becca said...

just so you don't feel bad that you took jackson swimming in a cold can't catch a cold from being cold...
it is a virus..