Friday, March 6


I feel like my personal worth is put on the line every time I go to the dentist. I sit in the chair and they take out that little mirror and metal hook and check each tooth individually and with each tooth I hope with all of my might that they won't find a cavity. Thoughts start swirling through my head. Did I brush enough? Why don't I floss more? Did that tooth hurt when she touched it? Now that I think about it, they were kind of sensitive to candy the other day. I hope I don't have anything in my nose....Then the cleaning really gets going. Mid-cleaning, my nose starts to itch. It always does when I can't itch it. I try to do the Bewitched nose wiggle, but it's still itching. Think of something else....Finally, the dentist comes in to do the final check and those 10 seconds seem to last 10 minutes. I wish he would have said, "Looks good. Thanks for coming in." But instead he says, "Looks like we have 2 cavaties today." Oh darn, $$$ you werent expecting to put out going towards TEETH. But, I love the clean feel in your mouth after you've been to the dentist.


Jason and Kate said...

Yeah, I hate that chair too. Every time I go I either need a root canal or a crown because the cavities are so bad. Currently I am in need of two crowns because I only got one done last year due to insurance. Jason wanted me to wait until this year but it's difficult to find the time to go now with a baby.

Brandice said...

It sucks to hate going to the dentist when you actually LIKE your dentist (James Keddington). So I pretend that I'm enjoying myself. It's easy to pretend if your mouth is full of tools and you don't have to say anything. :)

Dawny said...

Haha I hear ya...I have a dentist appointment's coming up in about a week. I'm nervous! I'm crossing my fingers for no cavaties, but who's been awhile since I've been there!

Anne-Marie said...

I HATE the dentist. always have....good luck with those cavaties :(