Sunday, March 29

Happy Birthday Sis-

I know you're busy traveling the world, and Im not sure when Ill see you next, BUT I want you to know that we thought about you TODAY on YOUR BIRTHDAY!! We ate lots of cafe rio, mangos, pita chips,listened to crazy music, shopped at Anthropology, froze our feet, ate edamame, organized our room and re-organized it, watched 'What Lies Beneath' , cleaned out moms jewelry box, sent 3000 text messages, plucked our eyebrows, and stayed up way late!

Im so happy youre having such amazing experiences that you will remember FOREVER!

ALthough we're miles apart you're in my thoughts and Im counting the days till I see you. You are the best sister I could ever ask for and I am so grateful for you!! I love you so much.


Dawny said...

I would like to second everything you just said! We are all so lucky to have Ali in our lives. I hope she enjoyed her birthday :-)

Cheri said...

How sweet. You're a great sister. I miss Ali!!

Andrea said...

Abby--those are some super fun shots! Hey, how was Jackson's b-day?