Tuesday, April 21

Spring is here and arent these tulips fields BEA-U-TIFUL!! I will be visiting them soon. It was my #1 thing to do here in WA :)


Dawny said...

WOW that is breathtaking! I was just barely talking yesterday about how I want to go to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point sometime in these next couple weeks, but holy cow...it doesn't even compare with that! :-)

Andrea said...

Abby--I have NEVER seen that shot before. What a cool picture. Enjoy tiptoeing through the tulips. In fact there is a race up there--I think it's an 8K, but it may have already happened. Miss you!

Ashley K. said...

You are going to kill Andrea with all these posts! You should post about all of the A-mazing things to do in Boise! :0