Monday, May 4

A day at the races

Ive been a member of the Hyde Family for over 4 years now and I am just now experiencing my first time at the RACE TRACKS. Ive always liked horses, and I even took a horse back riding class in college but I guess you could say that Im more of a "city girl." I would much rather be dressed up, go out on the town, or add a pair of high heels/purse to my collection aka go shopping.
Now that the track is a full time job for Rod it seems Ive gotten a little more excited about it. We love the Hyde ranch full of over 80 horses and the 100 acres would be a dream to live on like they do. This weekend we went to EMERALD DOWNS where we SCREAMED and SHOUTED for our horse to run as fast as he could to the finish line!! I told Rod after I felt a little anxiety because you have no idea the result of the race. It was such a great time to be there, to support Rod especially, and understand his GREAT love for horses.
Tony is extemely allergic to horses and as soon as we got home he had to jump in the shower because he had "horse" on him from touching his dad. I always laugh, although his eyes irritate and his skin itches he plays tuff just so he can spend time around horses, the ranch, the barn, his dad, and the outdoors.
I think that soon ill be adding COWBOY BOOTS to my collection!

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Andrea said...

That was really your FIRST time?! WOW! I am sorry you didn't get to see a win.

Sharlie Kaltenbach said...

So fun Abby! I can't believe how big Kensi is and I haven't even met her yet!! You are the absolute CUTEST mom!! I miss you so much! Love, shar