Thursday, May 21

pinnacle wife

Here's a little peek at what Tony does everyday. He is very fortunate to manage such a great and successful office. If youre trying to play 'wheres waldo' slash Tony, he's the cute one in the middle with a blue shirt on!
A little RAH RAH RAH!
My son just about ready to get stomped on by 30+ guys. He loves hearing dads cheer in the morning

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This precious package is how Tony is incentivised every time he hits a certain level. Last week he opened up a TOMTOM GPS, Lacoste cologne and cuff links. I love to help do whatever it takes to keep him working so its been fun to shop for prizes along the way.

With a new job comes new business cards. I should have hid them from Jackson. I got to play the game "pick up 865" it was just great!!

1 comment:

Ashley K. said...

This is great Abby. I love your incentives!