Sunday, May 4

one of our favorites...

BASEBALL!! I have been asking Tony to take me to a baseball game for the last two weeks and he finally had a chance to get off work early so we could go. We had such a great time and I think Jackson really enjoyed it too.

Our Fresno Grizzlies lost by three or four but we still enjoyed our FOOT LONG hotdogs.

Jackson loved the music in between each inning. He was always dancing! I love getting out of the house for a fun entertaining night as a family.

We love that Regge gets to come along with us too.


Anonymous said...

Abby, I really love my stroller. The brand is called Phil and Ted. They are a little pricey but totally worth it. Here is their offical website. I have never seen them in stores but you should be able to buy one online.
I hope that helps

Unknown said...

YO!!! How's sales? Hope all is well. Abby we will be your friends you just have to tell us when your in town :) Toni struggles with that. Great story about the teeth, hope all is well....