Sunday, June 15

HAppy FaThers DaY to the GREAT men in my LIFE!!! My father who is an amazing example to me everyday. He is so kind and always caring for others. He has been so supportive of Tony and I and is a GREAT grandfather. I love my dad very much.
Tony, of course a WONDERFUL father too. He loves Jackson so much and I love watching the two of them together. He is such a great husband and I am so in love with him. Im grateful for him and supporting our family.
Marshalls wife recently had a baby girl named ANNABELLE! So he is a daddy too. He is already doing great. Im grateful for the men in my life and the example they are to me.

1 comment:

Dawn and Spence said...

Abs...I'm a godfather to Nathan and Treasure, that should at least count for something. :-) I'm excited to see the reunion pics, lets get those up soon.