Tuesday, June 10

Our visit to Grandma's

This is Jacksons great grandma Marcia. We spent part of the afternoon with her and had a great time. Jackson loved grandmas play room full of toys and all her beautiful bobbles.


Dawn and Spence said...

Awww you're back in Utah! I am so jealous you're going to the reunion :-) And you're right, it's been way too long since we've updated our blog, I need to get on that asap!

Ashley K. said...

Ohh... I love that!

p.s. call me so that we can vent/cry together about our experiences with United Airlines!!

Andrea said...

How funny I was going to type:

"Ohh . . I love that!"

and then I just laughed seeing that Ash typed the same thing!

I wanna hear about United--I have had great experiences with them (when I was working/no kids).


Dawn and Spence said...

Jax looks mad, like he got sent to time-out and has to hold a doll as punishment in that pic. lol